The Cameronians

Minute 2024.01.14

Minute of Meeting held at the Olde Club, Tannochside on Sunday 14 January 2024



Mr A. Halliday Chair), Mr T. Balloch MBE (Vice Chair), Mr D. McCreath (Secretary), 

Mrs E. Maxwell (Treasurer).


Members in attendance. 22; apologies received 5.

  1. Chairman’s Welcome

Mr A Halliday welcomed members to the meeting and asked Mr T. Balloch to lead the Legion Prayer.

2. Legion Prayer and Minute’s Silence for the Fallen

Binyon’s lines were spoken by Mr T. Balloch.

3. Minute of Previous Meeting

The Minute of the meeting of 10th December  2023 was adopted on the proposal of T. Brydson. Seconded by J. Hurles.

4. New Members

As recorded at the last meeting, applications for membership had been received from

Lesley Pointon and Janet Rogers both from Plymouth. Subs paid via Secretary to Treasurer.

Lesley’s family was in Aden at the same time as the Cameronians.  Her father was in the RCT. In her membership application, she speaks highly of the Regiment’s role.

5. Welfare Report

Ronnie Leggate reported on his father’s admission to a nearby Care Home. Ronnie senior had been admitted to Hairmyres Hospital  over the Christmas period, after which health circumstances required that he give up his house for admission to the  Care Home; the same one in  which his wife also lives.

 Despite his health problems  he is in good spirits, asking Ronnie for assurance that his Association membership subscription is paid!

Members offered their sincere good wishes to Ronnie and his parents.

The Chairman also noted and   welcomed Mr J McDonald’s return

7. Secretary’s Report

A. Matters Arising from the meeting on  10 December.

(i) Meeting with Barrie Duncan

Barrie indicated his willingness to attend our February meeting to agree an action agenda for the Photographic Volunteer Group in which Messrs W Miller, D McColl, J Malloy and T Miller have agreed to participate.

(ii) Letter to Hutcheson’s Grammar School 

Sent as instructed

(iii) Emails from Members received at previous meeting.

Both correspondents were heartened by the decisions taken at last meeting. Some pointers were offered as starting points for consideration in the proposed codified parade and dress protocol paper. The Secretary invited all members to share their views; and accepted his proposal that publishing  all such suggestions for general membership reaction might be a useful way to proceed.

(iv) The Cairn at Douglas

Jim Malloy is working to engage former Council colleagues in helping determine the best way ahead.

7. Secretary’s Report (cont)

(B) New Business

(i) Neuve Chapelle Commemoration.  (Sunday March 10.

D McCreath to contact Rev Mark Johnstone.

(ii) SLC Museum Service Consultation

SLC Leisure and Culture faces further budgetary pressure in 2024. The Secretary had received an email from SLC seeking our organisation’s views on the importance of the Museum Services to our members.   This led to a lengthy rigorous, and at times,  heartfelt discussion which underlined  the importance to our organisation of the Low Parks unit as successor guardian of the Regimental Collection.

Included in the discussion  was a proposal that members respond to underline its importance to them individually and collectively. The Treasurer considered that those without personal email access might get a member of the family to respond on their behalf.

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8.Tresurer’s Report 

Little change in overall financial position compared with previous report.


9. Raffle. 

Chairman thanked members for their prize donations, L McDonald for selling the tickets and T Balloch for the conduct of the raffle. The sum of £112 was raised.

10. AOB

(I) Travel Club

Mr J McDonald reported on this year’s trip to the Netherlands, the planning for which is well underway. 

There are still places on the coach should there be any members yet wishing to take part. 

Future trips are also planned.

(ii) Museum at Nieuwdorp.

Mr T Brydson provided an update on developments. The dedicated Cameronians room is progressing well though further work is required to bring it to completion in time for this year’s Walcheren liberation commemoration. 

The British Military attache, who conducted the official hand-over of the room to the Museum , was very impressed with the quality and authenticity of the items on display.

(iii) D Coy 52nd Lowland Volunteers Reunion.

T Miller reported on a planned forthcoming reunion to which members are invited. Details to be circulated when known. 

(It was also noted that at the previous meeting Tom had agreed to be the 4th member of the Standard Bearer team.

(iv) Kelvingrove Memorial

 MrJ McDonald reported on a forthcoming meeting with representatives of Glasgow City Council’s Neighbourhoods Regeneration Unit on 23 January at 11.00 at Kelvingrove. Its purpose is to consider ways in which the visibility of the Regimental Memorial, and other related matters, might be enhanced for this year’s commemoration event. D McCreath and J McDonald  will be present but anyone  else, who is free, is welcome to attend.

Date of Next Meeting –  Sunday 25 February 2024 at Tannochside at 14.00.